#howiAMACO InstaFeature - Constance Stotzer

The moment we saw Constance's work we knew it was something special. We were overwhelmingly amazed by the detail, precision, and care with which she paints both nature and fantasy. Constance's brilliant, bold, and beautiful use of the AMACO SMUGs bring painterly detail into her whimsical work.
How did you come to be interested in working with clay?
I began as a sculpture major in college and took ceramics as an elective. The first day of class my teacher demonstrated how to hand throw a slab to create a plate and I was instantly hooked (and knew I had to change my major).
What inspires your work?
I’m inspired by my surrounding environment. I enjoy incorporating both the natural world as well as architectural details and patterns into my work.
What’s your favorite thing about clay?
There is nothing like the smell of opening up a fresh bag of clay or the feel of it between your fingers. It is a tangible reminder of the endless possibilities that clay has to offer, limited only by your imagination.
Which AMACO products do you always find yourself going back to? How do these products speak to your work?
I began life as a painter and now use my pottery as a canvas. I use both the Velvet underglazes and the SMUGs (semi-moist underglazes) to paint my work. I love the SMUGs for their portability and their compactness. I travel back and forth between my ceramic studio and my home studio; SMUGs makes it so much easier than lugging so many bottles back and forth. They also lend themselves to a ready palette with a variety of colors which I’m accustomed to from painting with watercolors and gouaches.
Ninjas, pirates, or wizards?
YES!!! I’m an elementary school art teacher and I have a sign on one of the storage closets that says “Beware of ninjas, pirates, monsters, and zombies!” They are always amazed when I come out of there unscathed. The kiln room is where the dragon lives. The dragon runs the kiln and sleeps under the school.
If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Ella Fitzgerald: The Cole Porter Song Book
What element do you most closely identify with?
The element of surprise!