#howiAMACO Insta Feature - Q&A with Breanne Rupp
Breanne Rupp
Instagram: @specialclayyy
Website: www.breannerupp.com

What's that? Ombré, bright hues, geometry, and organic line work? Breanne's work is the perfect mix! Her brilliant use of line and form captured our attention the second we saw them!
How did you come to be interested in working with clay?
I worked with clay sculpturally during art school, but in the past few years became re-interested while working at a restaurant in San Francisco. My chef was taking a wheel class, to serve food he made out of vessels he made. I was so excited about the thought and practicality of functional work, I joined the class.
What inspires your work?
Patterns, doilies, lace, plants, trees, geometric forms, organic forms, function, & whim. My design and printmaking experience inspires my use of stencils and print techniques.
What’s your favorite thing about clay?
You can do literally ANYTHING with it. If you can imagine it, there is some way to make or do it in clay. Also, you can do things you can’t even imagine, and someone probably has. It’s an amazing, exciting & addictive black hole to fall into, with an unending amount of history to absorb.
What has been the most challenging part of pursuing ceramics?
Trying to grasp all of the variables is tough. Paying attention to each step in the process, and how all of those choices interact, trying to understand the science behind clay body, firing, glazing etc… And then learning from that! I’m still working on having patience with testing thoroughly, and my note taking skills.
Which AMACO products do you always find yourself going back to? How do these products speak to your work?
I enjoy surface design using colored slips, AMACO Velvet Underglaze, and then after firing dipping in AMACO Zinc-Free clear glaze. My designs are typically applied via stenciling or screenprints on greenware. After spending all of that time on design, I am happy to be able to just easily dip the bisqued piece in a clear glaze that is reliable without changing the colors. This glaze works particularly well as a true clear, without any fog or coloration of the clay body and underlying design.
If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be?
DAMN by Kendrick Lamar.
What's your biggest pet peeve?
I don't have one really, but now I kind of want to name my next pet, Peeve.
If you weren't an artist, what would you be?
I’d hope to be a successful dog walker.
When you aren't making art, how do you spend your time?
I bartend at an amazing restaurant, I teach and take classes, see live music, hike/camp, & hang out with dogs- particularly Sharky!