#howiAMACO Insta Feature - Q&A with Renee LoPresti
Renee LoPresti
Instagram: renee_lopresti
Website: www.reneelopresticeramics.com

We are positively smitten with these lovely, nostalgic pieces created by Renee LoPresti! Come on, who wouldn't be with those adorable paper airplanes? These creations take us straight back to our childhood and remind us of simpler times, and the playful use of bright color makes them oh so fun. Plus, Renee's ability to layer AMACO Velvet Underglazes and elevate simple subject matter to a complex, dynamic object is so incredible!
When did you come to be interested in working with clay?
Since childhood, but I developed a great interest once introduced to the wheel in high school.
What inspires your work?
Colors, patterns, and imagery of the domestic space that can allude to stories of love, loss, and self reflection.
What’s your favorite thing about clay?
The limitless possibilities of a soft, malleable material. One can never be bored!
What has been the most challenging part of pursuing ceramics?
The technical challenges of materials and getting the glazes and clay body to align and 'play nicely' together without flaws such as pinholing, crazing, etc.
Which AMACO products do you always find yourself going back to? How do these products speak to your work?
I love the AMACO Flame Orange Velvet Underglaze for its great intensity and saturation. I love the bright color and how it contributes to initial feelings of happiness and lightheartness when coupled with images that can be melancholy or bittersweet in nature.
If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
Teleportation! For the obvious reason of being able to travel quickly, but also to solve bigger issues such as the water crisis and world hunger!