#howiAMACO Insta Feature - Q&A with Sarah Davis
Sarah Davis
Instagram: @sarahdavisss
Website: https://skdceramics.com/

Inspired by the timelessness of nature but informed by present-day structures, Sarah Davis's sleek and stylish work looks like it belongs in a magazine spread. One of Sarah's greatest aesthetic stengths is letting the clay speak for itself, using marbling to showcase the vibrant colors and qualities of the medium. Even without colored glaze, her wares are rich and sophisticated. When she does use color and imagery, Sarah continues to keep it simple and muted - usually black, white, and a single color to add that bit of pop, very reminiscent of her illustration work. With so much to offer, we hope Sarah never loses her abilty to love, teach, and create.
[Photo credit: Still life photos by Carolyn Allen, @carolyneallen; Photo of Sarah by Jody Lynn Jackson, @jodylynnjack]
How did you come to be interested in working with clay?
I have been an arts lover my whole life and have always loved creating things with my hands. I studied Studio Art in college and got my Masters in Art Education and for some reason, I never got into ceramics while in school. I noticed that an art center right next to my house taught wheel throwing classes, so I decided to sign up just so I can officially say that I have done it. I fell in love with throwing and the entire process and dedicated any free time I had to practicing and I never stopped.
What inspires your work?
The colors and textures of the earth play a huge role in my work. I try to make my work resemble the layers of soil while creating modern shapes and objects.
What’s your favorite thing about clay?
My favorite thing about clay is that it comes from the earth. I think there is something so beautiful about having a connection with a piece of the earth and giving voice to a material that will be forever be a part of time and space after firing.
What has been the most challenging part of pursuing ceramics?
The most challenging part of pursuing ceramics is the commitment of time and energy. Throwing requires my full attention and takes a lot of my energy. It is a such a long process between the throwing, sanding, firing, glazing, and firing again all in hopes that it comes out in one piece and looks as intended. You must have patience to do ceramics, and I often try to rush. I have been practicing slowing down and taking my time with every piece.
Which AMACO products do you always find yourself going back to? How do these products speak to your work?
I am obsessed with using AMACO clay and glazes. The Versa Clay No. 20 and the Sedona Red Clay No. 67 are used for a lot of my marbled pieces. The AMACO F-10 Clear Transparent glaze is basically the only glaze I use for all of my work. It allows the true colors of the clay to come through while still giving it a nice gloss. All very reliable products that I never have to worry about or have a hard time with.
If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Live At Red Rocks 8.15.95 by Dave Matthews Band
Who was your childhood hero?
My childhood hero was my big sister and still is.
Finish this sentence: I would rather be ...
... dancing to Beyoncé.
What’s your favorite food?
Potatoes in any form…fries, mashed potatoes, potato wedges, baked potatoes