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Frozen Clay and Glazes


For artists in colder climates, the danger of freezing is real. What happens and how to bring your clay and glazes back from being frozen.


Frozen Clay

As the water in your clay freezes it will separate from the clay particles and expand, pushing the clay particles apart. If your clay freezes, you will need to wedge it thoroughly once it thaws. If your wet clay project freezes, it will probably crack and disintegrate once it thaws, but it can be recycled. Bone dry or bisqued ware should not be affected by freezing temperatures unless they are wet or contain something wet.

Frozen Glaze

If your glazes freeze, the water will separate out from the glaze particles. Once your glaze thaws, mix thoroughly. A mixer, and perhaps a sieve, may be required to bring the glaze back to a brushable or dipping consistency.

Preventing Frozen Clay and Glazes

To prevent your clay and glazes freezing, always store in a warm and protected location when there is a danger of freezing.