Thrown Hanging Lanterns ft. PC-38 Iron Yellow

Brrr, it's cold out there, so warm up your studios with these fun and easy lanterns!
In this video, we demo how to make the hanging lanterns featured in the ad for the current #glazeintheblank contest.
You still have time to submit an entry into the current glaze in the blank contest? Grab some PC-38 Iron Yellow and enter to win a chance at FREE AMACO glaze!
The rules of the game are:
1. Create an ORIGINAL piece
2. Layer ONE AMACO glaze with PC-38 Iron Yellow!
3. Properly photograph and submit your masterpiece by March 1st, 2019 to!
And GUESS WHAT!? The lucky #glazeintheblank winner will receive 100 DOLLARS WORTH OF FREE GLAZE! WOOHOO!