Who needs a brush? George McCauley plate decoration with Liquid Underglaze

George McCauley, ceramic artist, demonstrates his VERY hands-on approach to decorating plates with LUGs.

Video 1
George demonstrates his hands on technique for decorating with Amaco LUG Liquid Underglazes. George has been using LUGs in his ceramic work since 1981. The video was filmed by George's friend and amazing ceramic artist Jill Foote Hutton. To see more of George's work, visit his site georgemccauley.com
Video 2
Here is the follow up to the decorating video I did for AMACO/Brent. I have been using AMACO LUGs since the early 80's and find them the best choice for how I work . I often use fingers for my casual decorating process however I do use brushes as well. The lines and shapes I make using my fingers have a certain posture, quality and look that I cannot get with brushes. Really I just do whatever process it takes to get what I want. I thank my fantastic and talented friend Jill Foote Hutton for filming this and having a great sense of humor!